Essel Propack is the largest specialty packaging company in the world, manufacturing laminated and seamless tubes that cater to the top multinational companies in the toothpaste, cosmetics, pharmaceutical, food and industrial sectors.
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Essel Propack Announces Plans for a $10 Million Investment in Danville
Danville Green IT Economic Summit 2010
DANVILLE – EcomNets® announced plans today to establish the 1st Annual Danville Green IT Economic Summit at the Institute of Advanced Learning and Research. Danville Economic Development in partnership with Pittsylvania Economic Development will ...
Green Information Technology Company Announces Relocation to Danville
Spin Bicycle Shop to Hold Grand Opening Downtown
DANVILLE, VA - Jerry Henley, owner of Spin Bicycle Shop, 531 Main Street, announced today that the grand opening celebration for the new downtown business will be held on Monday, March 1. Mayor Sherman Saunders will participate in the ...